Sapp, Dona2017-03-012017-03-012016-06 fact sheet summarizes Indiana traffic safety goals and problem areas identified by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) in their annual Indiana Highway Safety Plan and includes a general discussion of Indiana crash data trends related to these problem areas. Collision data come from the Indiana State Police Automated Reporting Information Exchange System (ARIES), current as of March 17, 2016. Some of the 2015 findings include: In 2015, 821 people were killed in Indiana crashes, a 10 percent increase from 2014. The number of young drivers killed in collisions increased from 34 in 2014 to 50. Indiana motorcyclist fatalities dropped 14 percent from 124 in 2014 to 107. Traffic fatalities that involved an alcohol-impaired driver dropped 15 percent from 108 in 2014 to 92.Public safetyTraffic Safety Crash Facts: Problem ID 2015Report